How To Add A Product To Opportunity In Salesforce

How To Add A Product To Opportunity In Salesforce

  1. Log In to Salesforce: Access your Salesforce account.
  2. Navigate to Opportunities: Click on the "Opportunities" tab in the main menu.
  3. Select an Opportunity: Choose the specific opportunity you want to add a product to.
  4. Find the Products Related List: Scroll down to the "Products" section on the opportunity page.
  5. Click on "Add Product": Hit the "Add Product" button to start adding items.
  6. Select a Product: Choose the product you want to add from the list.
  7. Enter Quantity: Specify the quantity of the product you are adding.
  8. Set Sales Price: Input the sales price for the product.
  9. Save Changes: Click "Save" to finalize adding the product to the opportunity.
  10. Review Added Products: Check the products list to ensure your product is added correctly.