How To Add Two Contacts To One Deal Pipedrive

How To Add Two Contacts To One Deal in Pipedrive

  1. Log in to Pipedrive: Access your Pipedrive account.
  2. Select a Deal: Navigate to the Deals section and choose the deal you want to add contacts to.
  3. Open Deal Details: Click on the deal to view its details.
  4. Add First Contact: Click on the "Add Person" button to include the first contact.
  5. Search for Contact: Type the name or email of the first contact and select them from the list.
  6. Add Second Contact: Repeat the process by clicking "Add Person" again for the second contact.
  7. Search for Second Contact: Enter the name or email of the second contact and select them.
  8. Save Changes: Ensure all changes are saved to finalize the addition of both contacts.